
Proceedings of SPSTL SB RAS

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The electronic catalog creation in the library of the Znamensky Cathedral of Kemerovo diocese


The goal of the article is to present the experience of creating an electronic catalog of the library of the Znamensky Cathedral of Kemerovo diocese. The article examines the history of the library foundation, its role in the educational activities of Kemerovo diocese. The characteristic of documents of the library collections as objects of metadata forming when creating the electronic catalog is given, the availability of both religious and secular literature in different languages including reprint publications and electronic resources is emphasized. The technology for creating the electronic catalog using the “Authoritative Files” database, developed by the catalogers of the State Scientific Library of Kuzbass named after V. D. Fedorov, is described in detail. Regulatory documents including national standards are listed as well as the software in the form of the automated library and information system “OPAC-Global” and linguistic tools used in cataloging are presented. The classification table brief characteristic and its peculiarities used in the systematization of documents in the library under analysis is given. The experience of working together the Znamensky Cathedral, the State Scientific Library of Kuzbass named after V. D. Fedorov and Kemerovo State Institute of Culture in the project “The Electronic Catalog Creation in the library of the Znamensky Cathedral” is summarized. Participation of KemSIC Faculty of Information and Library Technologies students in this project within their work practice for to perfect their cataloging skills and abilities is emphasized. The quantitative results of the creation of bibliographic records in the electronic catalog for the period of 2021 are presented. In the conclusion, the outlook for the electronic catalog being created in the activities of the Znamensky Cathedral library is denoted: optimization of the information search, the opportunity to participate in the machine-readable cataloging projects, the creation of the quality system of library and information services for readers.

About the Authors

O. Ya. Sakova
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
Russian Federation

Sakova Olga Yanovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Documentary and Media Communications Technology Chair


A. I. Paderina
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
Russian Federation

Paderina Alena Igorevna, The third year student of the Faculty
of the Information and Library Technologies



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For citations:

Sakova O.Ya., Paderina A.I. The electronic catalog creation in the library of the Znamensky Cathedral of Kemerovo diocese. Proceedings of SPSTL SB RAS. 2022;(1):36-41. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2618-7515 (Print)
ISSN 2712-7915 (Online)